Shane Snow

Shane Snow Shane Snow is an award-winning entrepreneur, explorer, and journalist. His writing has appeared in GQ, Fast Company, Wired, and The New Yorker—and he is a world-renowned keynote speaker on innovation and human behavior.

4 min read

Storytelling for Leadership: Using Shared History to Motivate Change as a Leader

In 17th Century London, going to the market on weekends was “a thing.” Everyone in town showed up to browse. If you brought your kids, they ran amok among the food stands. And if you brought your cows—as many folks apparently did—occasionally they’d...

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artificial intelligence

6 min read

AI Can Repackage Your Ideas, But It Is Not Going To Replace Your Thought Leadership

This post originally appeared on Forbes.

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4 min read

Leadership Storytelling: 3 Heuristics For Inspiring Action

This post originally appeared on Forbes. Motivating our teams to do hard things... is hard. But throughout history, there are a few things that...

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5 min read

How To Cut Through Hype & Disillusionment As A Leader

This post originally appeared on Forbes. In the absence of information, we all tell ourselves stories. As a leader, your job is to make sure people...

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3 min read

The Trouble With Best Practices

This article originally appeared in Fast Company. IN THE LATE ’70s, Palo Alto-based entrepreneur Debbi Fields tried to get a loan to start a cookie...

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burden of proof pudding

3 min read

How Mastering Burden Of Proof​ Will Make You A Better Decision Maker

Conspiracy theory culture is on the rise in general. But in my observation, even the most reasonable people have a conspiracy-related problem in the...

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hybrid work policies

4 min read

Why Hybrid Work Policies Backfire... And How To Fix Them

The space between extremes is often where the most magic happens. But they don't call it "the messy middle" for no reason.

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the art of storytelling

5 min read

How The Art Of Storytelling Unlocks Our Capacity For Sustained Attention

In 2015, the Internet blew up with a shocking new statistic: "humans have an 8-second attention span.Less than that of a goldfish!And it's getting...

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what authenticity means

4 min read

What Authenticity Means In Leadership

What does it mean to be an authentic leader? The answer to this question couldn't be more relevant right now.

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difference between hope and optimism

3 min read

The Crucial, Empowering Difference Between Hope and Optimism

Early in my career, I had an a-ha moment that made me feel silly in retrospect and smarter from then on. I realized that I had been using the words...

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