3 min read
How To Balance Work-Style Diversity With The Need For Results
Think about the most creative person in your life. How does their “work style” differ from yours?
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Think about the most creative person in your life. How does their “work style” differ from yours?
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Recently, I spent over a year researching the little-known history of how the CIA used fake news to overthrow the government of Guatemala in the...
4 min read
Bruce Lee died too young.
4 min read
This post originally appeared on LinkedIn.
5 min read
This post originally appeared on Medium. Years later, we think the underlying conclusions from this data are as valid as ever. The TV diversity...
7 min read
How important is originality in filmmaking? Instead of heading to the theater for Batman vs. Superman or My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 last week, I took...
3 min read
The science behind powerful storytelling I want to tell you about the last time I cried.
3 min read
What makes good storytelling is how smart you sound, but how smart you make your audience feeL The other day, I was struck by a quote I read. It was...
4 min read
When Benjamin Franklin was a boy, he yearned for a life at sea. This worried his father, so the two toured the various trades in 18th-century Boston...
1 min read
By definition, it's easy to think of obvious ideas.