4 min read
Storytelling for Leadership: Using Shared History to Motivate Change as a Leader
Getting a group of people to change direction is one of the hardest parts of leadership—and one of the most important skills a leader can develop. No...
4 min read
Getting a group of people to change direction is one of the hardest parts of leadership—and one of the most important skills a leader can develop. No...
4 min read
This post originally appeared on Forbes. Motivating our teams to do hard things... is hard. But throughout history, there are a few things that the...
5 min read
In 2015, the Internet blew up with a shocking new statistic: "humans have an 8-second attention span. Less than that of a goldfish! And it's getting...
4 min read
Bruce Lee died too young.
4 min read
This post originally appeared on LinkedIn.
5 min read
This post originally appeared on Medium. Years later, we think the underlying conclusions from this data are as valid as ever. The TV diversity...
7 min read
How important is originality in filmmaking? Instead of heading to the theater for Batman vs. Superman or My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 last week, I took...
3 min read
The science behind powerful storytelling I want to tell you about the last time I cried.
3 min read
What makes good storytelling is how smart you sound, but how smart you make your audience feeL The other day, I was struck by a quote I read. It was...
4 min read
When Benjamin Franklin was a boy, he yearned for a life at sea. This worried his father, so the two toured the various trades in 18th-century Boston...