Exploring The Art Of

Wise Decision-Making

On making choices when life and work ain't so straightforward.


Intellectual Humility

The art & science of being open-minded... without letting our brains fall out.

Intellectual humility is the wisdom of knowing we don’t know everything. I've become convinced that it's one of the most important skills we can develop to be better leaders, collaborators, and human beings.


Intellectual Honesty

Exercising wisdom starts with being honest with ourselves—and others.

We humans are good at deceiving ourselves. And some of us are good at deceiving others. Understanding how intellectual self-deception works can help us be more honest, productive, and collaborative—and to spot others' dishonesty.


Moral Virtues & Dilemmas:

How can we be guided by values & principles to our benefit rather than being blinded by past decisions—especially when "good" values conflict?